This Item Includes Zipper Front Top; Pleated Skirt; and Bow Headband!
The popular television series, comic books and films based on Bob Kane and Bill Finger's iconic character The Batman, or The Dark Knight, have developed an immensely strong cult following. This is especially true since 1990, the year Tim Burton's feature film adaptation was released on the public to become one of the greatest spectacles seen in recent years. Many films followed Batman: The Movie, including those starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, George Clooney and other famous actors.
The most recent film release, The Dark Knight, starring Christian Bale and the late Heath Ledger, has become the highest grossing film ever to hit the big screen. Ticket sales create new fans and rejuvenate fans of old - officially ushering a new era for the pulp icon. It's well known that millions of children and adults will don a Dark Knight Halloween costume this October. And it's important for these film and pop-culture followers to purchase the latest and most official versions of the Batman's suit.
Dressing up as Batman is not limited to Halloween, however. Once bought, this soon-to-be classic attire can be worn while attending comic book conventions, fan parties, the next Batman film release and even fare as an alternate form of pajamas for the truly devoted. People enjoy dressing up as alter egos and super heroes because it allows them to be free to express themselves in ways not possible in their day-to-day lives. And now you can join them.
The Batsuit's foundation is a tight-fitting bodysuit that is similar to many superheroes. If you wish to dress like an earlier version of Batman, you may consider wearing contrasting briefs over a unitard, similar to what's seen on circus performers. To follow modern guidelines, briefs are integrated into the main costume, so that section of the costume constitutes only a seam and color change from the rest of the suit. This can be accomplished by wearing briefs and a unitard of the same color.
When looking for the best Dark Knight Halloween costume, be sure it includes the following: Batman cape, cowl with mask (make sure it doesn't fit to tightly on the head), boots, gauntlets or arm-bands, and body armor. Most pieces of this Dark Knight costume are likely to be cloth, including the gauntlets and armor. In some cases the devoted Batman devotee will find a durable plastic outfit that will not only last longer, but look more appealing and official. The only setback to purchasing one of these official costumes will be the cost, which usually starts at over thirty dollars.
Now that you know what the essential parts of a Dark Knight Halloween costume consist of you should look at your local costume store for these items or purchase them online if you intend to dress up this Halloween season. Even if you're just looking for something good to wear to San Diego's Comic Con next summer, it's a good idea to get your hands on the Dark Knight costume a couple weeks before Halloween to ensure you get a good deal.
Jaime Brady is a costume artist who specializes in creating and promoting Dark Knight Halloween Costumes in the United States. Recently she has been working with a number of Fortune 500 companies to develop friendly sales techniques for the young girl and teenage boy markets including the new Batman the Dark Knight Halloween Costume.